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How to Change Authors in WordPress (+ Author Plugins)

  • Hosting
  • 1 min read
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If you deal with authors on your WordPress website, it is just normal that you want to make the blog a better place for them. Because of that, we have prepared several tutorials that will help in customizing your WordPress blog when it comes to authors.

Change author via custom fields:

After you have made the changes to the file, you are ready to change the author of specific posts. As we already mentioned above, this will be done by adding a custom field to the post:

  1. Open a post for which you want to change the author
  2. Navigate to custom fields
  3. Add a new field and name it „author.“
  4. Type in the name of the author in the value field
  5. Save changes
Change author via custom fields

Once you hit the update button or publish the post, the function will check for the custom field, and if found, the function will automatically change author’s name into one found in the value field.

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